2024 is already shaping up to be a good year for Onewheels. New products to customize and improve your ride are coming out at blazing speed. Everyone wants these things to be in your hands for the start of the race season and good riding weather. Here are 5 products that are coming out this year.
We've all been there. It's January and you want to ride your Onewheel but it's snowing. Sure, you could put on a pair of shoes and socks. But you want to ride how you like. Barefoot. So you bust out the hair dryer and start heating up your footpad. Then your grip tape gets all loose and it never gets hot enough to stave off the frostbite.

Well have we got a solution for you! The totally fire Freakin Hawt Kush. Have you noticed the cutouts on the Kush Lo? They are perfect for adding fancy lights like the Kush Glow and can work to fit other upgrades. No one likes a cold foot. Before you ride, hook this baby up to your stove outlet for a few seconds. Don't leave it too long or it will quickly reach 400° F.

The foothold market is becoming too crowded. Flightfins have two options for footholds. Overlanders have two options for footholds. Even Tech-Rails and 1wheelparts have announced a new foothold system. No one has come up with a good HAND hold system.

Now you can ride with confidence knowing exactly where to put your hands. On the handlebars of course! Customize your Original Death Sticks with colored grips. The Float Life is of course partial to the tiffany grips.

Wassup? Take yourself back in time to the early 2000's when spinning rims were mega bling. Ballers like you can roll with your peeps, chillaxing while your spinners don't stop.

What does OSM stand for? Operative Spinning Mechanism? Outlandish Stupid Mess? Who knows! All that matters is that people will not be able to keep their eyes off of you when you come to a stop but your rim keeps moving like some sort of magical miniature Ferris wheel.
While the MTE is designed to give you more sidewall with a 5 inch hub, the OSM goes in the opposite direction with a full 7 inches of hub space. Made from aluminum plated HDPE plastic, we were able to get the price down to $200. Requires taking the magnets from your old hub and super glueing them to the OSM.

Is the force just imaginary or is it real? Are you ready to find out? Unleash your inner Jedi with the Officially Licensed Luke's Blast Shield helmet. It will completely block out your vision to allow you to experience riding blind while also protecting your head from the possibility of a crash. But a jedi can sense obstacles through the force. It's how Anakin was able to be a skilled pod racer at such a young age. So no jedi wearing this will crash. Not recommended for regular humans.
Available in sizes Large, Medium, Small, or Youngling.
The final new product of 2024, the Super GT Varials are unlike anything you've seen before. So super secret we can't show you a picture of them or we'd have to kill you.
We went back to the drawing boards with this product to explore what is possible in 2024 that wasn't possible when we first made the XR varials that everyone loves.
It felt like we had hit a wall when one night Nico fell asleep at his desk. Papa Jeff carried Nico to his Tesla and set him in the passenger seat. When Jeff tried to get into the driver's seat, he had to remove Nico's booster and press the button to move the seat back.
The idea hit Jeff like a sack of bonk blocks.
"Awaken Nico!" he shouted. "We have work to do!"
That night they sketched out the plans for Super GT Varials. We took the seat motor out of Nico's Tesla and made rails that adjust at the push of a button. Want 3° front and 7° rear angle? Just push the button on the side of the rails and watch them magically move into position. Then later go back to straight rails with the push of a button.
Unfortunately because Nico has only the one tesla we were only able to make two sets of these from the four seats we stole the motors from. Hyper limited edition.
Jeff will the TFL be selling the GTV drop in kits as the whole bitcoin thing is a real problem for me?
Bring back Mustard and ketchup Bang bumpers for the GT
The drop-in VESC kit is going to change the game for 2024! ♥️TFL
It doesn’t matter how intentionally stupid these products are- FM will STILL copy them, being a bit tone deaf n’ all.
Jay Kenward
Dose anyone know when BTG dub tails are coming out 🙌🙌